Visioning for the Future
Are you rethinking your company's future? Is your team detecting weak signals of change on the strategic landscape? Is your organization looking for a way to anticipate changes before they arrive?
Our foresight sessions enhance the way organizations, leaders, and managers approach the future.
The Strategic Foresight Workshop prepares leaders to address changes in the business environment and keep your company moving forward. This workshop involves team members at an early stage of the strategy-making process to generate the buy-in and ownership needed for implementation. Teams use foresight tools including the STEEPLE (PESTLE) model, futures wheel, and scenario planning to create collective intelligence around external factors. Attendees learn how to use information gathered in everyday experiences to frame and anticipate the organization’s future.
Workshop objectives include using foresight tools to evaluate a future-related organizational issue, mapping out first-, second-, and third-order consequences of a change, and engaging the debriefing process to share insights. The facilitator teaches a repeatable process that leaders can scale as needed.
$1250 - Strategic Foresight Workshop includes:
90-minute Strategic Foresight session
One or more foresight tools
Up to 5 individuals
Be sure to purchase your copy of "Visionary Leadership: A Guidebook for 21st Century Organizations and Entrepreneurial Teams" today!