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Vision + 7-S Virtual Workshop

A 7-Step Change Appraisal

2025 is quickly approaching. Founders, chief executives, and senior leadership will undoubtedly experience a renewed (but often short-lived) interest in casting the vision. Middle managers and teams will face the challenge of considering the vision from multiple angles.

I will teach you a 7-Step Change Appraisal process to evaluate the gap between vision and present realities. You will learn how to use a little-known tool for positive change and organization development. This scalable tool helps practitioners measure and bridge the gap between the ideal that CEOs and senior leaders see—and the more complex situations of organizational life. 


This workshop is the first step for founders, CEOs, managers, coaches, and consultants to make vision a reality...all year long.

​$1000 - Vision+ 7-S Virtual Workshop includes: 

  • Change appraisal model

  • After-Action Report (AAR)

  • Up to 30 individuals 


Be sure to purchase your copy of "Visionary Leadership: A Guidebook for 21st Century Organizations and Entrepreneurial Teams" today! 

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