Teaiiano conducts research on the following topics:
Work-life coaching
Organizational coaching capabilities & coaching cultures
Vision-based leadership
Sustainable employee engagement
About the Survey
Thomas launched the “Top Challenges for Fast Growing Companies” survey in 2015, as an experiment to gather data on what keeps CEOs and executives up at night. The survey was based on John Hall’s article “12 Challenges Faced by the Fastest-Growing Companies”, and Thomas conducted the survey exclusively with CEOs in the Baltimore/Washington region whose companies appeared on the 2014 Inc5000 List.
After talking to a few executives, Thomas discovered that CEOs enjoyed speaking freely about the day-to-day challenges and successes they faced (...which was remarkable given this was our first conversation). Afternoon conversations with top executives lasted anywhere from 5 to 25 minutes. Due to time constraints related to producing a deliverable for graduate school, Thomas ended the experimental phase of the project, deferring the administration of subsequent surveys. However, the discussions with CEOs revealed insights that have proven invaluable in Teaiiano’s transformation from delivering individual solutions to providing organizational-level solutions. Not to mention the fact that CEO’s actually enjoyed taking the survey (which by the end seemed more like interviews). Due to the positive results, Teaiiano Leadership Solutions has decided to relaunch the Top Challenges Survey and open it up to all Inc5000 chief executives, (co)founders and/or managing partners.
The “Top Challenges” survey project is designed as an online survey, with each item containing a scale (ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree). The experiment was successful in testing the validity of the survey items, but as the surveys progressed, the researcher discovered that CEOs wanted to discuss multiple items on the survey. The researcher then adjusted the survey to include qualitative responses. Due to positive results in the experimental phase of the Top Challenges survey, Teaiiano Leadership Solutions has decided to relaunch the Top Challenges Survey as a long-term, or ongoing project.